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New Home Buyer Mold Inspections: Must-Do Checklist

7/1/2024 (Permalink)

mold black on corner wall by floor Realtors trust SERVPRO for excellent mold inspections in the Greater West Mystic area. We are Here to Help®

Ensure a Safe Property Investment in West Mystic

Buying a new home in West Mystic is a significant investment. It's crucial to have an expert mold inspection to safeguard your future. Here's why and how you should work with the SERVPRO® team:

Why Mold Inspections Matter

Mold can often be a hidden danger in homes, especially those with prior water damage. It thrives in damp, humid conditions and can cause serious issues. By hiring us for a mold inspection in West Mystic, you ensure:

  • Safety: Mold spores can cause various risks that compound over time.
  • Property Value: Unchecked mold can lead to structural damage, affecting the value of your home.
  • Future Costs: Addressing mold issues early may eliminate costly repairs down the line.

What to Expect During a Mold Inspection

A skilled mold inspection involves a thorough examination of your property. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Visual Inspection: SERVPRO inspectors will look for visible signs of mold and water damage.
  • Moisture Mapping: Tools like moisture meters are used to detect damp areas.
  • Air Quality Testing: Air samples are taken to check for mold spores.
  • Surface Sampling: Swabs and tapes are used to collect samples from surfaces for lab analysis.

Choosing the Right Mold Inspector

When selecting a mold inspector, consider the following:

  • Certification: Ensure the inspector is certified and experienced.
  • Reputation: Look for trusted reviews and ask for references.
  • Detailed Reporting: A good inspector will provide a comprehensive report with findings and recommendations.

When to Schedule a Mold Inspection

It's best to schedule a mold inspection before finalizing your home purchase. Mold inspections can be done during the home inspection phase. If you know there has been prior water damage or mold detected, you can negotiate repairs or price adjustments with the seller.

Take Action Now

Don't let mold problems surprise you after moving in. Ensure your new home is safe and sound by scheduling a professional mold inspection. Call us at SERVPRO of New London at (860) 443-2222 for fast, efficient mold inspection in West Mystic.

Navigating Commercial Flood Damage in New London 

5/7/2024 (Permalink)

A massive amount of SERVPRO equipment stacked in front of a SERVPRO truck. With advanced equipment, SERVPRO restores property to pre-damaged conditions. "Like near even happened."

Restoration Costs and Strategies for Business Resilience 

New London, Connecticut, is a historic seaport city along the shores of the Thames River. New London is known for its thriving art scene, rich maritime history, diverse architecture, and as the home of the United States Coast Guard Academy. It serves as a gateway to the eastern part of the state, boasting a lively waterfront and cultural activities. The area has seen its fair share of flooding, significantly impacting local businesses. Our SERVPRO® team understands the direct and indirect costs of these events and wants business owners to know that advanced preparation is crucial for any commercial entity in this region.  

Direct Costs of Flood Damage 

When commercial flood damage hits in New London, the immediate financial burdens can be substantial: 

  • Property Damage: Water damage to buildings and infrastructure requires extensive repairs or complete rebuilding. 
  • Equipment Loss: Critical business equipment can be damaged or destroyed and need replacement or repair. 
  • Inventory Loss: Stock and supplies can be washed away or spoiled, leading to significant replacement costs. 

Indirect Costs and Business Interruptions 

The aftermath of a flood extends beyond physical damage: 

  • Business Downtime: Even minor floods can close business operations for days to weeks. 
  • Loss of Revenue: No business operation means no sales, impacting financial health. 
  • Customer and Client Trust: Delays and disruptions can harm long-term relationships. 

Financial Planning and Insurance 

To mitigate the financial impact of floods, businesses need robust planning, such as: 

  • Comprehensive Insurance: Ensure your policy covers flood damage and business interruptions. 
  • Emergency Funds: Maintain a reserve fund specifically for disaster scenarios. 

Developing a Flood Response Plan 

Preparation can significantly reduce the impact of water damage caused by a flood. Here’s how to start: 

  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of contacts for local emergency services and restoration companies like SERVPRO of New London. 
  • Data Backup: Regularly back up all critical business data to a secure, off-site location. 
  • Employee Training: Conduct regular training sessions on flood response and safety protocols. 

While the threat of flood damage persists for New London businesses, proper preparation and responsive strategies can help minimize both direct and indirect costs. For immediate assistance with flood damage, call SERVPRO of New London at (860) 443-2222. We are Here to Help® 24/7.

What Would It Take To Clean Fire Damage at Your New London Property

3/3/2024 (Permalink)

smoke billowing out of the windows of a house on fire If a fire occurs in your home, contact SERVPRO immediately. Our certified technicians are ready to help get your home back to normal.

Variety Helps Ease Fire Restoration Efforts

New London blends a rich history with modern amenities, thus serving as a great destination for visitors and a unique place to reside. Historical architecture, including Federal, Georgian, and Victorian, adds charm and character to the city. The New London County Courthouse, built in 1784, uniquely showcases Georgian architecture. Waterfront attractions such as Ocean Beach Park and a vibrant culinary scene are another great draw to the city. Some worthy establishments include Fred's Shanty Restaurant for seafood, Recovery Room Restaurant for pizza and Italian food, and Tony's Caribbean Kitchen if you love Jamaican food.

You may experience fire damage at your New London property from unattended cooking, improperly placed space heaters, grease fires, or malfunctioning dryers and ovens. Containing these fires in time saves the property but leaves a significant cleanup workload. If you have never dealt with the aftermath of a fire incident, you may have difficulty figuring out what the task would take. That is why SERVPRO® is Here To Help® whenever such an unfortunate incident affects you. We also provide valuable insights to prepare you mentally in case of such eventualities.

Cleaning a fire-damaged house requires

  • Cleaning equipment and reagents
  • Equipment to access different property areas
  • Trash and debris collection resources
  • Protective gear

Soiling from fire residues is readily identifiable since it blackens structural areas and items. What you may not tell is the corrosive or hazardous nature of such residues. Limiting exposure from skin contact or inhalation with protective gear such as safety goggles, disposable gloves, and respirators can go a long way in ensuring a safe conclusion of fire restoration.

Smoke spreads unfettered around a property, depositing soot everywhere, including hard-to-reach areas. Attempting cleanup without appropriate equipment lengthens timelines. SERVPRO IICRC-certified crews fit telescopic extension poles to cleaning-sponges, easing access to high walls and ceilings. Poles are more convenient than cumbersome ladders. In other cases, cherry pickers may be necessary. 

Fire debris ranges from powdery materials like soot to chunks of charred panels and wood framing, so you need a robust collection and disposal approach. A vacuum cleaner sweeps up fine residues. Sealable trash bags and trash cans ease debris collection and temporary storage until proper disposal is done. 

SERVPRO of New London takes all essential actions to resolve fire damage. Call (860) 443-2222.

Timely Water Restoration for New London Properties

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

carpet removed from wood flooring SERVPRO rapidly mitigates water damage in your New London home. We can save carpets, hardwood flooring, and structural elements.

Time-Saving Actions When Addressing Water Damage

New London, Connecticut, has a rich maritime history because its deep-water harbor serves shipping, trade, and naval activities. It is home to the United States Coast Guard Academy, Custom House Maritime Museum, and Fort Trumbull State Park and Museum. The city also hosts maritime-themed events and festivals like Sailfest in July and OpSail festival. Other general events include Hygienic Art Park Fest and Winterfest, which features ice skating, tree lighting ceremonies, and holiday markets.

Dealing with water intrusions can be time-consuming, worsening the inconveniences you endure. However, it is possible to fast-track the process through unique approaches or using advanced technologies. SERVPRO® combines both to ensure faster water extraction and drying, considerably reducing restoration timelines. Expediting extraction during water restoration in New London properties is critical since it eliminates the intruding moisture and limits different forms of deterioration associated with water damage.

Faster extraction can help you avoid

  • Mold infestation
  • Warping and buckling in wood
  • Carpet delamination 

These severe physical problems are driven by extended moisture exposure for materials. For instance, mold develops 24-48 hours after water breaches your property if no action is taken to remove it and dry wet materials. Delaying extraction aggravates the problem because the moisture can spread by wicking through materials and evaporating into the air, raising humidity levels and thus increasing the surface area affected by mold. SERVPRO crews handle water removal faster since we have various extraction equipment, including portable units for individual rooms and truck-mounted ones for high water volumes.

Other useful extraction equipment

  • Submersible pumps
  • High-pressure pumps
  • Dry/wet vacs

The other problems are also preventable through timely water removal, thus limiting the duration of repair processes on hardwood floors or carpet replacement. For example, floorboards can buckle or cup, while the glue holding carpet fibers and backing together deteriorates if the floor is submerged. These materials also pose extra challenges, such as water penetrating below floorboards or the carpet fibers absorbing and retaining moisture. SERVPRO crews address these extraction challenges using advanced equipment such as drying mats, which remove the water trapped below floorboards. We can also use weighted extractors such as rovers and water claws, which squeeze out the water before vacuum extraction, thus speeding up the process.

SERVPRO of New London has the resources to ensure timely water restoration. Call (860) 443-2222.

East Lyme Storm Damage Relief

11/1/2023 (Permalink)

mud and sludge on deck after flooding Contaminated sludge and mud is best lest to SERVPRO for safe removal. We make your flooded home in East Lyme appear "Like it never even happened."

No Stone Left Unturned After an East Lyme Storm Surge

The areas along the east Coast of Connecticut are no strangers to storm fronts coming through across the North Atlantic Ocean. Surges can morph into destructive and potentially dangerous flooding, calling for professional restoration intervention to return your home to pre-damage condition. SERVPRO® was recently onsite at an East Lyme property, taking care of every facet of storm surge cleanup for a residence.

At this house along the coast hit by storm surge damage in East Lyme, the storm front brought the ocean to the property’s door. Our SERVPRO of New London technicians arrived on the scene to assess all the damage, considering all the sand left behind around the exterior of the home.

  • Using power wash equipment and industry-proven cleanup measures, our skilled team efficiently blasted away all the sand from the stone patio to leave it looking as before the storm rolled through.

Contact SERVPRO of New London at (860) 443-2222 or request help online for all your storm surge cleanup needs. We are the restoration team you need for all storm, water, fire, and mold-related emergencies, making it “Like it never even happened.”

Proper Mold Damage Removal in New London Prevents Property Damage

9/10/2023 (Permalink)

mold growing on the wall of a room Cleaning up mold damage in your home is complicated. Contact SERVPRO for professional equipment and certified technicians to get the job done.

SERVPRO Ensures Safe Mold Damage Cleanup in New London

Mold is damaging to your New London home and possessions. It grows on materials such as wood, drywall, and ceiling tiles. Over time, mold deteriorates these materials, compromising your home's structural integrity. It causes staining and discoloration of surfaces, including floors, carpets, walls, and furniture. Also, mold can spread to personal belongings stored in the affected areas, such as clothing and electronics. The immediate cleanup process is paramount when discovered.

The mold damage removal process in New London may differ from home to home. However, one crucial thing is that every professional must follow specific industry-recommended procedures when cleaning up mold-contaminated areas. SERVPRO crews are trained to handle mold safely. Our crews understand the complexities of countering microbial growth and executing effective cleanup techniques.

Recommended steps for mold removal

  • Assess to help determine the extent of growth and the source of moisture
  • Establish containment measures to prevent mold residues from spreading to unaffected areas
  • Address the moisture source to prevent further mold growth
  • Facilitate drying and maintain proper airflow using dehumidifiers and air movers

Managing Microbial Growth

After building containment barriers, our crews move to remove water-damaged and mold-infested materials. Building materials such as drywall can be severely damaged, and the only way to ensure mold is successfully removed from your home is by removing the affected material. SERVPRO crews remove and bag these materials properly in sealed plastic bags. We help install replacement materials after completing the mold treatment of the underlying surfaces. The treatment inhibits further growth. Upon request, we can help encapsulate walls, floors, and ceilings to deter moisture intrusion.

Appropriate techniques for effective results

  • Wire brushing or HEPA vacuuming helps remove visible mold colonies.
  • Following the manufacturer's instructions in product mixing and application improves outcomes.
  • Letting cleaning solution sit on the moldy surface for the recommended dwell time to allow better penetration
  • We use gentle but firm strokes to clean mold-affected areas, careful not to spread the mold residues further or damage the material.

To keep mold from destroying your home, contact SERVPRO of New London at (860) 443-2222 to get effective mold damage removal services.

Learning Smoke Patterns Improves New London Fire Damage Restoration

5/4/2023 (Permalink)

thick Smoke If you find yourself in need of assistance with fire damage remediation, call SERVPRO.

SERVPRO Reliably Manages Fire Restoration in New London

Smoke residues cause a significant portion of the damages your new London property incurs during a fire. Unfortunately, smoke effects are not uniform in every incident, and even in one incident, they vary room by room which often leads to unexpected outcomes during fire damage restoration exercises. The general tendency is for soot to settle and adhere to surfaces but with varying degrees of intensity, which varies the soiling and staining levels.

When you understand how the smoke characteristics influence fire damage restoration at your New London property, you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure a positive outcome. It’s easier to make those adjustments when SERVPRO assists you since we have unique tools and skills to tackle different challenges. 

Factors influencing smoke damage:

  • Smoke and surrounding surface temperatures
  • Building space arrangement
  • Magnetization or ionization

These issues may likely be outside your priority when resolving fire loss. However, the SERVPRO technicians handling restoration at your property have significant experience making it easier to notice the issues. For instance, the appearance of web-like soot accumulation, especially on room corners, signifies ionization which means the fire burnt synthetic materials such as plastics. In such a case, you may remove the soot easily, but addressing the pungent odors involved may require extreme effort. 

Evaluating Smoke Temperatures

Even after the fire is put out, a trained person can tell how hot the smoke and surfaces got during the fire. Higher temperatures open up pores in materials, thus extensively embedding smoke residues and making cleaning more challenging. Our technicians check for signs such as heat lines on wall surfaces, with the upper half accumulating more residues than the lower portion. In case of such signs, we look for ways to improve cleanability. 

Ways to Improve Cleaning Processes:

  • Better surface agitation
  • Heating cleaning solutions
  • Using specialized detergents 

SERVPRO of New London improves fire damage restoration at every stage, including residue removal. Call us at (860) 443-2222. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

Effective New London Water Damage Restoration and Cleanup

4/12/2023 (Permalink)

Dehumidifiers and air mover drying carpet Dehumidifiers and air movers help mitigate water damage in New London homes. SERVPRO makes it "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO’s Fast Water Damage Recovery Solutions

From spills to leaks, flooding to burst pipes, water disasters are happening all the time. We must act fast when these threats occur to protect impacted homes and properties and minimize expenses for the customer. This fast action is one of the many benefits of hiring a full-service restoration team like SERVPRO.

When New London water damage occurs, many steps and phases are necessary to restore and recover the property. From single-family homes to massive structures like Connecticut College, we keep our Green Fleet stocked with needed restoration equipment to help like:

  • Extractors
  • Air Movers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Deodorants
  • Cleaning Products
  • Mold Inhibitors

Emergency Contracting After Water Damage

There are initial construction and repair needs for the house after water emergencies. Not only can drywall become quickly overwhelmed by water exposure and begin to sag or collapse, but access is often needed to the damaged portions of plumbing so that SERVPRO professionals can restore water service.

Water Removal Services

Removing standing water is one of the first steps in mitigating loss for homes after leaks and burst pipes. Pooling is likely to occur with higher volumes of water, and a combination of equipment gets used to manage these threats and remove surface water concerns to get drying underway. Often pumps and vacuums are needed to achieve the complete water removal services necessary.

Surface Drying Solutions

Initially, the drying focus targets the surface of exposed materials like drywall, flooring, and ceiling assemblies. Air movers propel blasts at wet surfaces to begin the evaporation process. With the rising relative humidity in the structure from air mover use, dehumidification units get placed to counteract changing environmental conditions and complete the exhausting or collection and removal of water in the air.

Specialty Drying Equipment for Water Damage

While air movers and dehumidifiers combine to manage the bulk of the moisture concerns in a building, there are many applications for specialty tools. Certain equipment in our inventory is ideal for specific situations and materials, including:

  • Carpet Wands – These attachments and extensions of wet vacuums and extractors pull moisture from the carpet and padding layers of installed flooring.
  • Weighted Extractors – Using the weight of the restorer or a roving model, layers of carpeting and padding become pressed against the subflooring, and moisture is squeezed to the surface for extraction.
  • Drying Mats – Hardwood floors water and moisture extraction. Placing these units across several planks can pull moisture to the surface layer through capillary suction.

Preventing Mold Damage

It is essential to focus on the necessary steps to prevent the development and spread of harmful mold colonies. Because spores exist naturally in the environment, moisture and ideal temperature ranges create conditions that facilitate microbial growth and threaten hosting materials. While much of the restoration process has addressed moisture and water concerns, applying mold inhibitors to sensitive surfaces can be an added measure of protection against potential growth.

Water Damage Repairs Necessary

Making water emergencies “Like it never even happened” often comes down to needed repairs and reconstruction. Having a capable team of contractors with a license on our roster lets us complete many build-back services usually required after restoration. Replacing drywall and repairing compromised plumbing are among the most frequent needs, though our license allows a wide array of construction work.

New London water damage is frequent for the more than 28,000 residents that our SERVPRO of New London team stays ready to help 24/7. We understand the urgency of these scenarios and the rapid degradation of materials and belongings. We are prepared to mobilize at the first notice of loss when you call (860) 443-2222.

How a Rapid Response Helps New London Fire Damage Recovery

4/7/2023 (Permalink)

wiping down soot covered walls Smoke, Soot, and Fire Damage in New London homes get the SERVPRO treatment--"Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Acts Fast for Fire Damage Mitigation

 Fires are widely destructive and compromising, so it is vital to have a team of technicians willing to respond fast to help. Our centrally located facility allows us to reach all of New London County rapidly after the first notice of loss.

New London fire damage can impact a range of structures, from the homes of nearly 30,000 residents to commercial facilities like Mitchell College. We work fast to help, having various trained professionals in niches like:

  • Fire Restoration (FSRT)
  • Odor Control (OCT)
  • Water Restoration (WRT)
  • Carpet Cleaning (CCT)
  • General Contracting

When Can SERVPRO Enter the Property?

In many cases, our experienced team is notified of active fire disasters as they happen and can prepare to enter the structure as soon as possible. We must wait for the work of first responders to complete and their go-ahead to enter the building. As a preferred vendor for insurance work and the urgency of fire loss scenarios, we are often prepared to enter before getting cleared.

Early Fire Damage Mitigation

Mitigation is the combination of actions taken by our SERVPRO FSRT-Certified technicians to limit damage to the house and its contents after a fire or other disaster. Emergency services combine the talents of our experienced restorers and licensed contractors to meet the initial demands of the property. Some of the most common mitigative actions taken by our professionals include:

  • Temporary Board-Up - This process sees our experienced contractors sealing over structural vulnerabilities to the outside to prevent secondary damage when water or animals enter a house.
  • Debris Removal - Combustion creates ash, smoke solids, charred materials, and bulk collapsed structure in a residence. Debris removal is vital to increasing restoration completion time and limiting soot and odor concentrations.
  • Controlled Demolition - When the structure poses an immediate risk to the safety of responding technicians or house occupants, our licensed contractors can perform needed controlled demolition services.
  • Water Removal - With the high volume of water used to extinguish the blaze, many rooms of the house could likely be overwhelmed with water damage and the effects of the fire.

Setting Up Staging and Containment

After fire damage, loss effects can spread quickly in the house. Containment barriers and filtration equipment can help establish a set perimeter of a work zone. Similarly, we can create a staging area for equipment and content management to limit cross-contamination with undamaged areas of the house.

How Has Soot Damaged the Structure?

Soot is one of the more common byproducts of structure fires generated when fuels only partially combust. This incomplete burning is widespread, so soot generation can be heavy depending on environmental conditions and other factors. The type of smoke damage ultimately influences the needed cleaning approach to help resolve the issue. Some kinds of smoke damage include:

  • Wet Smoke
  • Dry Smoke
  • Proteins
  • Furnace Puffback

Rebuilding After Fire Damage

Few fire loss events do not require some form of build-back or reconstruction. With the expected repairs necessary after restoration, having a team licensed to complete this work can be beneficial. While many are still waiting to schedule openings for vetted subcontractors, SERVPRO continues to complete the steps that make it "Like it never even happened."

Between the coordination with insurance providers and the multiple layers of needed restoration and recovery following New London fire damage, it is necessary to lean on the experience of professionals. When you contact our SERVPRO of New London team, you get the full measure of the training our FSRT-Certified technicians receive to be knowledgeable assets in the field during emergencies. Call now at (860) 443-2222.

Lasting Recovery After New London Mold Damage Discoveries

4/7/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO mold remediation containment Mold remediation in New London by SERVPRO ensures a high level of removal, restoration, and build-back. "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO Manages Mold Damage Remediation and Its Causes

As a seaport city, humidity and high moisture content are common concerns for every home and business. New London County is home to thousands, and when mold and microbial threats impact structures, fast action is needed to help. The process starts with recognizing the triggers of mold development in your house, which can include:

  • Unmanaged water damage
  • Moisture penetration
  • High humidity
  • Leaks
  • Poor ventilation

With so many causes of New London mold damage, including the proximity of many homes and businesses to the Thames, we are ready to respond to these situations as they happen. It is essential to act on suspected mold development in a residence as unchallenged organisms continue to spread and the problem can worsen.

How Does Mold Damage Threaten Homes?

Microbial growth and development pose a significant threat to the household. A few focuses should encourage homeowners to act quickly when they recognize mold development in their properties.

  • Structural damage - Even with limited exposure, colonies use organic matter as a food source. Moving organisms destroy building materials.
  • Challenging living conditions - Another concern is the living conditions for residents. While structural deterioration is troublesome, harsh malodors can make comfortable living impossible.
  • Continually spreading colonies - It is important to note that mold continues to spread and impact new materials when it forms.
  • Moisture damage - The conditions that facilitated mold growth can continue to degrade and deteriorate nearby materials until repaired.

Is Mold Damage Easy to Identify?

When you suspect mold might be growing in your home, many do not immediately choose to pursue professional remediation. Instead, they seek confirmation of the existence of mold before securing professionals to remove colonies. There are a few signs that microbial growth could exist and be actively spreading in your residence, including:

  • Spotting
  • Odors
  • Damp Surfaces
  • Structure Damage

The Remediation Solutions for Mold

Remediation and mold removal are never a one-size-fits-all approach. Countless variables require detailed inspections that determine the ideal technique. Using SERVPRO's experienced AMRT-applied microbial remediation technicians ensures quality service. While surface cleaning is one of the more favorable solutions and the least invasive, this is not effective if the mold has penetrated beyond the outermost layer of the hosting material. We provide a combination of cleanup and recovery to help remove active mold colonies in homes and businesses. Typically, an antifungal application after the cleanup helps ensure a minimal chance of reoccurrence.

Overcoming the Musty Malodors

While musty smells can indicate active mold colonization in a household, this odor persists after remediation steps in many cases. It is only after the application of powerful products and deployment of effective deodorization equipment that this formidable restoration obstacle is fully managed. Foggers and hydroxyl machines often combine for the greatest impact on post-mold recovery.

Mold Damage Repairs to Help

Repairs are a common need after mold organisms spread in a structure. Hosting material can become irreparably harmed, especially high porosity elements like drywall. We can provide the needed build-back services and structural repairs appropriate to return a residence to its original condition with a general contractor license. Our experience in this regard can make us suitable choices for restoring and repairing even historic properties in New London like the Joshua Hempsted House.

Overcoming and eliminating New London mold damage concerns involves several steps and actions by our experienced team. Our SERVPRO of New London team is here to help, from clearing surface mold threats to neutralizing lingering malodors. Call us when you need us at (860) 443-2222.